Land South of De Lacy Way, Monkhill


We are acting on behalf of Miller Homes, who are looking to develop the land South of De Lacy Way, Monkhill, Pontefract.

It is the intention to submit an application seeking full planning permission for residential development.

The site forms part of a larger housing allocation within the adopted Local Plan under site reference HS35, this allocation outlines potential for 544 homes across the site, approximately 13.97 ha (34.52 acres).

This application proposes a development for 66 homes providing a valuable contribution to the Council’s 5-year supply of deliverable housing and much needed new homes in the Pontefract area.

A leaflet has been issued to properties surrounding the development site, advising of the proposals and inviting comments towards the proposals.

The proposals comprise of 66 high quality homes (2, 3 and 4 bedroom) in a mix of short terraces, detached and semi-detached properties

​A copy of the proposals can be found on the following links:

There will be further opportunity to provide comments to Wakefield Council once the planning application has been submitted and validated however we welcome comments from the community in advance of the formal submission. Contact details on how to provide your comments are provided below


A consultation leaflet has been hand delivered to residents within the vicinity of the site informing them of the proposals.
